Congregate Meal Program is doing deliveries
Congregate Dining or also called Congregate Meal Program, is a community-based meal service that is intended to increase opportunities for nutritional and social support among older adults.
The Springfield Congregate Meal program is a meal program for all seniors in the Rural Municipality of Springfield. Meals are prepared in Dugald Estates on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
We are now offering a new service through the Congregate Meal Program. Meals are prepared at Springfield Place and delivered to the following locations -- Oaks North, Kin Place Independent Living, Evergreen Lodge, North Plympton Village, Dugald Estates, Sunrise Lodge and Pleasantview Lodge. We encourage folks to sit together and share fellowship over their meal. However, you can just pick it up at the location and take it home if you wish.
Meals cost $10.00 per person and you can either sign up on site or call Cheryl at (204) 444-3132 ext: 1 to register for meals. Meal calendars will be posted at all the sites. You are asked to sign up or call Cheryl by the Wednesday night of the week before the meals are delivered.. The sign-up sheets will be removed at that time, so please make a note for yourself for the days you order meals.
Payment may be made upon delivery, however we prefer payment by the week or the month.
For more information, please feel free to contact Cheryl at (204) 444-3132 ext: 1. You can also leave a message and she will call you back.